Howrah Food Supplies Dept Recruitment 2017 – Computer Operator Post

Howrah Food Supplies Dept Recruitment 2017: Office of the Sub-Divisional Controller, Howrah Food and Supplies, Howrah is inviting application from the eligible candidates for posts of Computer Operator. Interested and eligible candidates can apply on prescribed application format along with testimonials. Further details about Howrah Food Supplies Department Computer Operator Recruitment 2017 regarding vacancy details, Educational qualification required and other details, in brief, for informational purpose only in interest of job-seeker, are given below —

Howrah Food Supplies Dept Recruitment 2017

Organization Name: Office of the Sub-Divisional Controller, Food & Supplies, Howrah
Consolidated Pay: Rs.11,000/- per month.
Last Date: 27/02/2017

Eligible Criteria for Howrah Food Supplies Department Computer Operator Recruitment 2017

Educational Qualification: Graduation with Computer Application (B.Tech/BCA/BE/B.Sc in Computer Science)

For more details regarding candidates’ selection norms and eligibility norms, please go through the officially released advertisement (See URL/PDF below).
How to Apply for Howrah Food Supplies Dept Recruitment 2017
Interested and eligible candidates may prepare application form on plain paper and send it along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Educational Qualification, Caste, Age, Experience certificate (if applicable) and any other relevant documents
Last Date and Address: The filled Application form/bio-data along with enclosures should reach at the following address — Sub-Divisional Controller Food and Supplies, Uluberia & E.O.Assistant. Director, on or before 27/02/2017
Above given information are in brief. Before applying for the vacancies, please go through the officially released Advertisement
Official website of district Howrah —
Important Link:
Click Here for Notification and Application Form
N.B: The content given above are meant for informational purpose only in interest of jobseekers. is not a recruitment agency and do not carry any recruiting process. is a news media which provides first-hand basic info of various recruitment going all over India. Jobseekers are requested to go through the official website of the company/department for complete details & application process.

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